Dana Lopez

Dana López Canedo is a Speech language pathologist with over 15 years of experience supporting individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication. 

 Private speech and AAC therapy at “Centro Terapeutico DIA (Desarrollo integral y acompañamiento a familias)”.

AAC therapist at “CATIC (Centro de apoyo tecnológico para la comunicación y el aprendizaje)”.

External AAC advisor and curricular adaptations at Comunidad IDEA.  

Training and consultations for schools and centers working with people with disabilities.  

Courses and workshops for professionals.




Dana Lopez Canedo is a salaried speech-language and AAC therapist at DIA, a salaried AAC therapist at CATIC.


Dana López Canedo, is a volunteer member of NAACA (North American Alliance of Comunicación Access.



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