Jane Farrall

Jane Farrall Consulting, Australia

Jane has worked as a school and adult service based speech pathologist and literacy teacher. She has alsoworked as an assistive technology specialist and is currently working as an independent consultant in literacy, AAC and Assistive Technology. Jane has been working in the disability and assistive technology field for over 30 years. She has extensive practical experience in both Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and in teaching children and adults with disabilities to acquire literacy. She is very passionate about the importance of literacy development for every person who cannot rely on speech alone to be heard and understood.




Jane Farrall is the owner of Jane Farrall Consulting and receives a salary for her consulting work and for her online courses in literacy and AAC.


Jane Farrall has developed the Writing with All Tools Continuum and has made this freely available from her website www.comprehensiveliteracy.com. She also shares other resources and ideas through that website and has a blog at www.janefarrall.com.

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