Loes Theunissen

Loes Theunissen is a speech-language therapist, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Loes has been working for many years with children who are not able to speak and make use of speech generating devices. She developed the LOeS procedure in collaboration with the Radboud University to give these children the opportunity to learn to read and spell. Many children have already benifited from the LOeS procedure in combination with the reading and spelling method that is used within their schools. More research to improve and evaluate the procedure is an ongoing process. Loes also developed with 3 colleagues a symbol vocabulary called โ€˜ALOHAโ€™ which is currently the most used vocabulary in the Netherlands.
Dr. Jan van der Burg has supported Loes in the development and evaluation of the LOeS-procedure. His professional focus is on clinical care and research in child rehabilitation (e.g. early intervention, drooling).




Loes Theunissenย has no financial disclosures to report.


Loes Theunissenย has no nonfinancial disclosures to report.


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