Maurice Grinberg

ASSIST – Assistive Technologies foundation and New Bulgarian University

Maurice Grinberg is a professor at the “Cognitive Science and Psychology” department of the New Bulgarian University and co-founder of the association “ASSIST – Assistive Technologies”. He is the author of numerous publications in the field of cognitive modeling, social and moral dilemmas and augmented and alternative communication including three books.
He is a member of ISAAC and its BUILD committee and a board member of the AAATE. He represents ASSIST – AT in the National Council for Child Protection at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.




Maurice Grinberg has no financial disclosures to report.


Maurice Grinberg has no non-financial disclosures to report.

Speaker Events

  • October 29, 2024 @ 11:00 am 12:00 pm EDT

    Ten years of AAC in Bulgaria: achievements and problems

    Session ID: 1031   Objectives: 1. Describe how emergent AAC countries could benefit from the experience of Bulgaria. 2. Explain the critical barriers and facilitators identified the presentation.   Moderator: […]