
Reading and Writing in People with Aphasia Who Benefit from AAC

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1003   Objectives: 1. Apply meaningful principles to classify people with aphasia who may benefit from AAC. 2. Describe differences in reading and writing between Stored Message and […]


Joanne P. Lasker

The Guide to Communication with Hospitalized Patients

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1019   Objectives: 1. Explain the sequence in which the six main elements of the Guide framework are most effectively used. 2. Identify three types of patients that […]


Yedida Levine-SternbergYonit Hagoel-Karnieli

ISAAC’s Journal: Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Session ID: 1047   Objectives: 1. Identify the role of the AAC journal in ISAAC. 2. List the current issues and priorities for the journal. 3. Identify at least three […]


Mary Ann RomskiRose A. Sevcik

AAC Across the Lifespan: A Parent Panel Discussion

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1042   Objectives: 1. Describe one resource for parents as they serve as educational advocates. 2. Name 3 challenges AAC users often face when transitioning from school services […]


Abigail FinneyAllison MichelsChristine KramlichManuel MorenoPatrick Regan

AAC, How we got here and where we are likely to be in 20 years

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1032   Objectives: 1. Describe early AAC devices (simple and technical) and understand how technology had advanced what is possible. 2. Name at least two key unmet needs […]


Gregg Vanderheiden

Enhancing Self-Expression for Autistic Students using AAC

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1052   Objectives: 1. Describe the benefit of self-expression to AAC users, immediate circle, and clsassroom community. 2. Explain three ways to modify AAC visually to support self-expression. […]


Elizabeth Bahr

ISAAC Singapore – A New Chapter in Changing Times

Online (Zoom)

Session ID: 1033   Objectives: 1. Describe ways to engage various stakeholders in building awareness of AAC in the larger community. 2. Describe ways to engage with community partners to […]


Michelle CheongSarah YongSeng Koon YongTanushree SaxenaXuet Ying Tan