Mike Hipple

Mike Hipple is 29 years old. He has cerebral palsy and has been using AAC for 24 years. Mike lives in Appleton, WI. He believes that students who use a device can be public speakers. Mike gave his first speech at the age of 6. Mike is a member of USSAAC/ISAAC, CEC, WI Autism Society, and a local Kiwanis club. He is an ambassador for PRC and write blogs on topics such as education and joining organizations. He has a nephew and a niece that he loves. He loves watching baseball and Law and Order anytime he can.




Mike Hipple received complimentary registration for conference and is a paid participant in the session.


Mike Hipple serves on USSAACโ€™s membership and development committees, as well as other community organizations.

Speaker Events

  • October 29 @ 8:00 pm โ€“ 9:00 pm EDT

    USSAACโ€™s Speaker Connection: Amplifying Our Voices

    Session ID: 1044   Objectives: 1. Describe characteristics of USSAACโ€™s AAC Speaker Connection that have led to hiring AAC users in educational, training, advocacy, and professional development events. 2. Explain […]